Unit No. 2 - Software Engineering Question Bank
- 1 Explain in detail requirement engineering task. What are important characteristics that
- requirement must preserve? How requirements can be managed??
- 2 Explain with example architecture defined and developed as part of Business
- Process Engineering.
- 3 Why are models important in software engineering ? Explain the roles of analysis and
- design models.
- 4 Explain the various elements of computer-based system.
- 5 What is the purpose of activity diagram in the context of system modeling ?Explain
- activity diagram notations with suitable example..
- 6 Explain with diagram HatleyPirbhai modeling for system context diagram.
- 7 Explain the requirement elicitation and requirement elaboration tasks in brief.
- 8 Draw and explain the traceability table for requirement management.
- 9 Explain the scenario based elements of analysis model in detail.
- 10 What is Software Engineering Practice ? Explain the essence of practice.
- 11 How stakeholder‟s identification is performed? What are the advantages of recognizing
- multiple viewpoints? What is collaborative requirement gathering?.
- 12 Discuss role /use of any three UML diagrams for system modeling
- 13 Draw and explain context level, level 1 and level 2 DFD for college gathering.
- 14 For “Banking System”, make your assumptions about the scope of the system, identify
- four use cases and depict them in a diagram.
- 15 What is use case? What are the various elements of use case template?
- 16 Explain data-flow oriented modeling with the notations for Data Flow Diagram
- (DFD).
- 17 Explain the concept of entity classes and boundary classes. for Banking System give
- example of one entity class and one boundary class
- 18 For “Library management System”, make your assumptions about the scope of the
- system, identify four use cases and depict them in a diagram.
- 19 In the context of behavioral modeling, explain state diagrams
- 20 Write an SRS for any office automation system of your choice with suitable
- requirements
- 21 Draw level 0, level 1, and level 2 data flow diagram for library book returning system for a student. System also maintains book Information.
Unit No. 3 - Software Engineering Question Bank
- 1 What information is produced as a consequence of requirement gathering
- 2 Explain concept of structured analysis and object oriented analysis and point out the
- difference between two analysis models.
- 3 Explain the following data modeling concepts :
- i) Data objects
- ii) Relationships
- iii) Cardinality and modality.
- 4 In the context of software design explain the following in brief :
- i) Modularity ii) Refactoring iii) Functional independence. iv) Information hiding
- v) Architecture. vi)Abstraction
- 5 What are the steps involved in user interface design? How is the interface
- evaluation done?
- 6 What is meant by design process? What are the characteristics of a good design?
- 7 Explain the following architectural styles with neat diagrams.
- i) Data centered architecture
- ii) Data flow architecture
- iii) Call and return architecture
- iv) Layered architecture
- 8 What is meant by domain analysis? Explain
- 9 Explain in detail Class Responsibilities collaborator(CRC)modeling
- 10 Explain the term the people and the product of management spectrum.
- 11 Explain the following quality attributes maintainability, integrity and usability.
- 12 What are the golden rules of user interface design? Explain.
- 13 Explain the design quality guidelines and the design quality attributes.
- 14 Explain the following : i) Types of design classes ii) High cohesion and low coupling as the characteristics of a design class.
- 15 What is software Architecture? What is architectural context diagram? What
- are archetypes ?
- 16 What do you mean by interface? What is the role of interfaces in a
- Class-based component level design?
- 17 What is software architecture? Why it is important?
- 18 Explain Web application interface design principles and guidelines.
Unit No. 4 - Software Engineering Question Bank
- Differentiate between i) Verification and Validation ii) Condition and loop Testing
- Who should perform the validation test—the software developer or the software user? Justify your answer.
- What do you understand by system testing? What are the different kinds of System testing that are usually performed on large software products?
- What do you understand by the term integration testing? Which types of defects are uncovered during integration testing?
- Differentiate between:- i) Black box & white box Testing, ii) Regression & Smoke Testing
- Give at least three examples in which black-box testing might give the impression that “everything’s OK,” while white-box tests might uncover an error. Give at least three examples in which white-box testing might give the impression that “everything’s OK,” while black-box tests might uncover an error.
- What is the difference between test stub and driver? What are the problems associated with Top down approach of testing?
- Explain basis path testing with example.
- Explain WebApps testing process.
- Develop a complete test strategy for the Library Management system. Document it in a Test Specification.
- What is the difference between thread-based and use-based strategies for integration testing? How does cluster testing fit in?